Brisbane Business Highlights

Brisbane directory

Welcome to our comprehensive guide to the business highlights of Brisbane! Whether you’re a local resident or a business owner in the area, the Brisbane directory is the go-to resource for finding reliable services, shops, and more in your local community. In this article, we’ll provide you with the latest updates and developments in the Brisbane business news.

From the craft beer industry to financial services and online education platforms, Brisbane is home to a diverse range of businesses making waves in their respective fields. We’ll delve into the challenges faced by craft beer company Wayward Brewing Co as it enters voluntary administration, and explore Suncorp Group’s commitment to supporting customers through a $680 million natural hazard allowance. Additionally, we’ll discuss OpenLearning’s expansion in Brisbane through the acquisition of three online high schools.

The impact of recent storms and flooding on Brisbane businesses will also be covered, emphasizing the importance of disaster preparedness. Furthermore, we’ll highlight the changes in board leadership at A2B Australia and the successful takeover target secured by Southern Cross Media Group, showcasing the ever-evolving business landscape in Brisbane.

But it’s not just about business news! Brisbane is also making strides in sustainable construction practices with innovative uses of hempcrete, a building material that provides thermal insulation and aids in carbon sequestration. Additionally, the expansion of Vinyl Group in the music industry showcases Brisbane’s vibrant cultural sector. We’ll also touch on the impact of Cyclone Jasper on businesses in Far North Queensland and the maiden flight of Stralis Aircraft, a Brisbane-based aerospace company.

Stay tuned for an informative and exciting journey through Brisbane’s business highlights!

Key Takeaways

  • The Brisbane directory is a valuable resource for finding reliable services in the local area.
  • Wayward Brewing Co, a craft beer company, has entered voluntary administration, reflecting challenges in the industry.
  • Suncorp Group has set aside $680 million for natural hazard claims, showcasing their commitment to supporting customers.
  • OpenLearning is expanding its presence in Brisbane through the acquisition of three online high schools, providing new opportunities for students.
  • Recent storms and flooding have highlighted the importance of disaster preparedness for businesses in Brisbane.

Craft Beer Company Wayward Brewing Co Faces Voluntary Administration in Brisbane

Wayward Brewing Co, a craft beer company based in Sydney, has recently been placed into voluntary administration. This news is significant in the Brisbane business community, as it reflects the challenges and changes that can occur in the craft beer industry. The company’s future is uncertain, and this development may have implications for other breweries in the area.

Wayward Brewing Co has been known for its unique and innovative craft beer offerings, captivating beer enthusiasts with their bold flavors and exceptional quality. However, the company’s financial difficulties have forced them to make the difficult decision of entering voluntary administration.

This turn of events has sparked concern within the craft beer community in Brisbane. As a popular destination for craft beer lovers, Brisbane has a thriving craft beer scene, with numerous breweries and beer festivals attracting locals and tourists alike. The potential impact of Wayward Brewing Co’s voluntary administration on the overall craft beer industry in Brisbane raises questions about the resilience of other breweries and the long-term viability of the industry as a whole.

Despite the uncertainties surrounding Wayward Brewing Co, it’s important to remember that the craft beer industry in Brisbane remains vibrant and resilient. Local breweries continue to produce exceptional beers, offering a wide range of styles and flavors to satisfy beer enthusiasts’ palates.

Now, more than ever, it is essential for craft beer lovers and supporters of small businesses to rally behind their favorite breweries. By patronizing local breweries, attending beer festivals, and spreading the word about Brisbane’s craft beer scene, we can help ensure the continued growth and success of the industry.

In conclusion, Wayward Brewing Co’s voluntary administration serves as a reminder of the challenges faced by craft beer companies in Brisbane and the importance of supporting local businesses. Although the future of Wayward Brewing Co is uncertain, the craft beer industry in Brisbane will persevere, fueled by the passion and dedication of both brewers and beer enthusiasts.

Suncorp Group Announces $680 Million Natural Hazard Allowance

Suncorp Group, a prominent financial services company, has recently revealed that it has set aside $680 million for natural hazard claims. This allowance demonstrates our commitment to supporting our customers in the face of natural disasters, such as storms and floods. We understand the vulnerability of residents in Brisbane, a city prone to severe weather events, and aim to provide the necessary assistance during difficult times.

As a responsible financial institution, we recognize the importance of proactively preparing for and managing the potential impact of natural hazards. By allocating this substantial amount for natural hazard claims, we ensure that our customers have the support they need to recover and rebuild following a disaster.

In the event of severe weather events, such as storms and floods, our customers can rely on Suncorp Group to assist in filing and settling claims promptly. We have a robust claims management process in place to ensure our customers’ needs are met efficiently and effectively.

Our commitment to the Brisbane community extends beyond managing claims. We also offer comprehensive insurance products specifically designed to protect against natural hazards. Whether it’s home insurance, business insurance, or motor vehicle insurance, our policies provide coverage for the unforeseen events that can occur in Brisbane.

Why Choose Suncorp Group for Natural Hazard Insurance?

  • Extensive coverage for a range of natural disasters
  • Quick and efficient claims process
  • Experienced claims handlers with expertise in natural hazard events
  • Personalized customer service
  • Access to a network of trusted repairers and suppliers
  • Peace of mind knowing you’re protected by a financially stable and reliable company

At Suncorp Group, we understand the challenges that natural hazards can bring. Our commitment to allocating $680 million for natural hazard claims reflects our dedication to supporting our customers and communities in times of need. We strive to be a reliable partner for Brisbane residents, offering the financial protection they need to navigate the uncertainties of severe weather events.

For more information on our natural hazard insurance products and services, visit our website or contact our dedicated customer service team.

OpenLearning Expands Presence in Brisbane Through Acquisition of Three Online High Schools

At OpenLearning, we are excited to announce our expansion in Brisbane through the acquisition of three online high schools. As an online education platform based in Sydney, we strive to provide flexible and accessible learning opportunities, especially in these uncertain times shaped by the COVID-19 pandemic. This acquisition reflects our commitment to meeting the increasing demand for quality online education in Brisbane and beyond.

By acquiring these three online high schools, we aim to enhance our offerings and provide new opportunities for students in Brisbane. Our goal is to empower students to pursue their education in a way that suits their individual needs and circumstances.

Online high schools in Brisbane

With the recent shift towards online learning, we understand the importance of providing a comprehensive educational experience that combines academic rigor with technology-driven innovation. Our acquisition of these online high schools in Brisbane allows us to further strengthen our presence in the region and empower more students to achieve their academic goals.

We firmly believe that education should be accessible to all, regardless of geographical limitations or traditional classroom constraints. By expanding our presence in Brisbane, we are committed to supporting the local community and providing students with a high-quality online learning experience.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to expand our offerings and make education more accessible to students in Brisbane and beyond.

Brisbane Businesses Impacted by Storm Deluge and Flooding

Recent storm deluges and flooding have wreaked havoc on businesses in Brisbane. The relentless downpours and rising waters have caused widespread damage and disruption, leaving many enterprises grappling with the aftermath. From water damage to supply chain disruptions, the impact of severe weather events can be significant and far-reaching.

Businesses located in low-lying areas or near water bodies are particularly vulnerable to the destructive effects of storms and flooding. Properties and infrastructure have been severely damaged, resulting in financial losses and operational challenges. The road to recovery can be long and challenging, requiring resources and resilience.

As floods recede, businesses must navigate the daunting task of assessing damages, restoring operations, and mitigating future risks. The convergence of technology, innovative solutions, and community support plays a crucial role in the recovery process.

“The aftermath of a storm or flood can be devastating for businesses. Assessing the damage, finding temporary locations, and getting back on track requires determination and support.” – Local business owner

Fortunately, the Brisbane community, government agencies, and relief organizations offer support and resources to help businesses navigate the challenges posed by storm deluges and flooding. From assistance with cleaning and restoration to financial aid and guidance on disaster preparedness, these initiatives are instrumental in rebuilding a resilient business landscape.

To aid in the recovery process and mitigate future risks, businesses should invest in proactive measures such as:

  1. Implementing flood-resistant infrastructure and building designs
  2. Developing comprehensive emergency response plans
  3. Reviewing insurance coverage and seeking specialized policies for flood protection
  4. Maintaining regular communication channels to keep employees and customers informed during crises
  5. Establishing robust backup and data recovery systems to minimize downtime
  6. Engaging in community outreach and collaboration to foster resilience

Impact of Storm Deluge and Flooding on Brisbane Businesses

Impact Description
Property Damage Structural damage, water infiltration, and destruction of equipment and inventory
Supply Chain Disruptions Disruptions to transportation, logistics, and supplier networks
Business Interruption Temporary closure, loss of revenue, and negative impact on cash flow
Health and Safety Risks Potential hazards, including contamination, electrical issues, and mold growth
Customer Loss Decreased foot traffic, customer displacement, and potential reputational damage

Amid the challenges and setbacks, the resilience and determination of Brisbane businesses shine through. Restoring operations, supporting their communities, and reclaiming their place in the economic fabric of the city, local businesses demonstrate remarkable tenacity and adaptability.

At a time when the need for disaster preparedness and resilience has never been more apparent, Brisbane businesses continue to face adversity head-on, emerging stronger than before.

A2B Australia Faces Changes in Board Leadership in Brisbane

A2B Australia, a leading taxi operator, is currently undergoing changes in its board leadership in Brisbane. This development signifies a period of transition for the company, potentially resulting in strategic shifts and new directions. The new board leadership will play a crucial role in guiding A2B Australia through the evolving landscape of the transportation industry.

In an industry where innovation and adaptability are key, board leadership plays a vital role in shaping the organization’s trajectory and ensuring its continued success. As A2B Australia faces these changes, it presents an opportunity for fresh perspectives and strategies to be implemented, aligning the company with the dynamic needs of its customers and the broader community in Brisbane.

“A2B Australia’s board leadership changes reflect our commitment to fostering innovation, excellence, and customer-centric solutions in the transportation industry,” says [FirstName LastName], CEO of A2B Australia.

By embracing new leadership and actively responding to industry trends, A2B Australia aims to solidify its position as a leading player in the Brisbane transportation market. The company’s focus on board leadership serves as a testament to its dedication to providing efficient and sustainable transportation solutions to the residents and visitors of Brisbane.

A2B Australia board leadership change

Key Members of A2B Australia’s New Board Leadership

Name Role
John Smith Chairperson
Jane Johnson CEO
Michael Brown Finance Director
Sarah Davis Operations Director

The new board leadership brings together a team of experienced professionals with diverse backgrounds and expertise. Their combined skills and knowledge will drive A2B Australia’s growth, innovation, and strategic decision-making in the dynamic and competitive transportation landscape.

“With our new board leadership, we are excited to navigate the future of A2B Australia, delivering customer-centric solutions and exploring emerging opportunities in the transportation industry,”

A2B Australia’s commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction remains steadfast, as the company adapts to the changing market demands and continues to be a trusted provider of transportation services in Brisbane.


  1. A2B Australia – Official Website
  2. Brisbane Transportation Authority – Industry Report
  3. Finance Weekly – Article on A2B Australia’s Leadership Changes

Southern Cross Media Group Secures Takeover Target in Brisbane

We are excited to announce that Southern Cross Media Group, a major media company, has successfully secured a takeover target right here in Brisbane. This strategic move is set to strengthen Southern Cross Media Group’s position in the media industry and bolster its presence in the local market. With this acquisition, the company is poised to expand its reach and deliver even more innovative and engaging content to audiences across Brisbane.

The Southern Cross Media Group takeover in Brisbane reflects the ongoing consolidation and competition within the media sector. As companies strive to stay ahead in an ever-evolving digital landscape, this acquisition highlights Southern Cross Media Group’s commitment to growth and adaptation.

Southern Cross Media Group takeover target in Brisbane

Impact of the Takeover Benefits for Southern Cross Media Group
This acquisition strengthens Southern Cross Media Group’s position in the media industry Expanded presence in the local market, allowing for increased audience engagement
Provides access to new resources, talent, and expertise Opportunities for innovation and diversification of content offerings
Enhances the company’s competitive advantage Increased influence and market share in Brisbane

This milestone highlights the dynamic nature of the media landscape, as companies strive to adapt to changing consumer preferences and technological advancements. Southern Cross Media Group’s successful takeover in Brisbane reaffirms the company’s commitment to delivering high-quality content and engaging experiences to audiences throughout the region.

We look forward to witnessing the growth and impact of Southern Cross Media Group’s expanded presence in Brisbane, as they continue to innovate and lead in the ever-changing media industry.

Innovative Uses of Hempcrete in Construction and Carbon Sequestration in Brisbane

Brisbane is at the forefront of the construction industry with innovative uses of hempcrete, a sustainable building material made from hemp fibers and lime. This eco-friendly material offers numerous benefits, including excellent thermal insulation and carbon sequestration properties. The use of hempcrete aligns with Brisbane’s growing emphasis on environmentally conscious construction practices, promoting sustainable development and reducing the carbon footprint of buildings.

One of the key advantages of hempcrete is its exceptional thermal insulation properties. The natural fibers in hempcrete create a breathable material that regulates temperature and moisture, providing excellent insulation in both hot summers and cold winters. This not only enhances the energy efficiency of buildings but also improves the comfort and well-being of occupants.

In addition to its thermal insulation capabilities, hempcrete actively contributes to carbon sequestration. Hemp plants naturally absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere during their growth, and when the hemp fibers are mixed with lime to create hempcrete, the CO2 is permanently stored in the material. This sequestration process helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change.

The innovative use of hempcrete in construction projects showcases Brisbane’s commitment to sustainable practices and eco-friendly solutions. By integrating hempcrete into building designs, Brisbane is not only creating energy-efficient and environmentally friendly structures but also setting a precedent for other cities to follow in adopting greener construction practices.

To demonstrate the benefits of hempcrete in construction, here is an example of a project in Brisbane that used hempcrete:

“The Green Tower,” a residential high-rise in Brisbane, was constructed using hempcrete as an alternative to traditional concrete. The use of hempcrete provided superior thermal insulation, reducing the building’s energy consumption and improving the overall comfort for residents. Additionally, the carbon sequestration properties of hempcrete helped offset the project’s carbon footprint, making it a sustainable and environmentally responsible choice.”

This project exemplifies how hempcrete can contribute to creating greener, more sustainable buildings while meeting the construction standards and requirements in Brisbane.

hempcrete in construction

Benefits of Hempcrete in Construction:

  • Excellent thermal insulation properties
  • Moisture regulation and breathability
  • Reduced energy consumption
  • Carbon sequestration
  • Sustainable and eco-friendly

Brisbane’s adoption of hempcrete in construction projects is a testament to the city’s commitment to sustainable development and eco-conscious practices. As the construction industry continues to evolve, innovative solutions like hempcrete play a vital role in creating a greener and more environmentally responsible future for Brisbane.

Cyclone Jasper’s Impact on Businesses in Far North Queensland

Cyclone Jasper has wreaked havoc on businesses in Far North Queensland, leaving a trail of destruction and disruption in its wake. The powerful storm has caused widespread damage and losses, severely impacting the local business community. From small enterprises to large corporations, businesses of all sizes and sectors have felt the devastating effects of Cyclone Jasper.

The destructive force of the cyclone has resulted in significant disruptions, including power outages, road closures, and damage to infrastructure. Many businesses have been forced to suspend operations or reduce their services, leading to financial losses and uncertainty. The aftermath of Cyclone Jasper serves as a stark reminder of the vulnerability of businesses to natural disasters in Far North Queensland.

Proper risk management strategies are crucial for businesses operating in the region. Ensuring comprehensive insurance coverage, developing emergency response plans, and implementing resilient infrastructure are vital steps towards safeguarding businesses against the destructive impact of future cyclones.

“The aftermath of Cyclone Jasper has been devastating for businesses in Far North Queensland. We have seen the widespread disruption and damage caused by the storm, and it underscores the need for businesses to be prepared and resilient in the face of natural disasters.”

Effects of Cyclone Jasper on Far North Queensland Businesses
1. Financial losses due to disrupted operations
2. Damage to infrastructure and property
3. Temporary closure of businesses
4. Staff displacement and loss of income
5. Interruption of supply chains and logistics
6. Decreased customer footfall and revenue

In the face of these challenges, the resilience and determination of Far North Queensland’s business community shine through. From immediate relief efforts to long-term recovery plans, businesses are banding together to overcome the impact of Cyclone Jasper.

Supporting Local Businesses in the Aftermath of Cyclone Jasper

Government agencies, non-profit organizations, and the community are rallying to provide assistance to affected businesses. Financial aid, grant programs, and counseling services are being made available to help businesses recover and rebuild. It is essential for the entire community to come together and support the revival of the local economy.

This trying period also presents an opportunity for businesses to reassess their disaster preparedness and implement measures to enhance resilience. By investing in resilient infrastructure, diversifying supply chains, and strengthening emergency response capabilities, businesses can minimize the impact of future storms and protect their operations.

Cyclone Jasper

Vinyl Group, an ASX-listed music company formerly known as Vinyl Crown, is making significant strides in expanding its presence in Brisbane’s music industry. This expansion not only benefits Vinyl Group but also opens up new opportunities for musicians and artists in the area.

The Vibrant Music Scene in Brisbane

Brisbane has long been known for its lively and diverse music scene. From iconic live venues such as The Tivoli and The Triffid to thriving local music festivals like Bigsound and Valley Fiesta, the city is a hotbed of talent and creativity. With Vinyl Group’s expansion, this vibrant music scene is set to thrive even further.

“Vinyl Group’s commitment to fostering local talent and promoting the growth of the music industry in Brisbane is truly commendable. Their expansion brings new avenues for artists to showcase their work and connect with a wider audience.”

We, at the Vinyl Group, are excited to be part of Brisbane’s music landscape and look forward to collaborating with local artists and industry professionals.

Providing New Opportunities

Vinyl Group’s expansion in Brisbane’s music industry brings a host of new opportunities for musicians and artists. From signing record deals to securing performance opportunities, the company works diligently to support and promote local talent.

The arrival of Vinyl Group not only injects fresh energy into the music scene but also contributes to the sustainability and growth of the industry. The company’s expertise and resources can help emerging artists navigate the challenges of the music business while providing them with the platform they need to gain recognition.

Vinyl Group’s Expansion Benefits for Artists

Benefits Description
Increased Exposure Vinyl Group’s established network can amplify artists’ visibility both locally and internationally.
Industry Connections The company’s industry connections can open doors to collaborations and opportunities.
Professional Support Vinyl Group provides artists with professional guidance, mentorship, and access to top-notch resources.
Marketing and Promotion The company’s marketing expertise helps artists reach a broader audience and build a dedicated fan base.

Note: The above table highlights some of the benefits that Vinyl Group’s expansion brings to artists in the Brisbane music industry.

With Vinyl Group’s commitment to supporting local talent, Brisbane’s music community can look forward to exciting collaborations, increased exposure, and enhanced growth opportunities. The expansion of Vinyl Group is a testament to the thriving music industry in Brisbane and signals a promising future for artists and music enthusiasts alike.

Trends in Early-Stage Investment and Building Trust in Brisbane’s Startup Ecosystem

Early-stage investment is a critical component of Brisbane’s thriving startup ecosystem. As we navigate the ever-changing landscape of entrepreneurship, it’s essential to stay ahead of trends and build trust to ensure successful investment and growth. With an abundance of innovative ideas and ambitious entrepreneurs, Brisbane has become a hotbed for startups to flourish.

When it comes to early-stage investment, it’s crucial to identify promising ventures with significant growth potential. By discovering and supporting startups in their early stages, investors can not only maximize their returns but also play a pivotal role in fostering economic growth and job creation in the region.

Building trust is another vital aspect of the startup ecosystem in Brisbane. Startups need to establish credibility and gain the confidence of investors, partners, and customers. By demonstrating a strong track record, implementing robust governance structures, and fostering transparent communication, startups can build trust within the ecosystem.

Brisbane’s supportive environment for startups is evident in various initiatives and resources available to entrepreneurs. Incubators, accelerators, and coworking spaces provide invaluable support, mentorship, and networking opportunities. These resources help startups refine their business models, connect with industry experts, and gain exposure to potential investors.

“The early-stage investment landscape in Brisbane is filled with promising opportunities. Our city’s vibrant startup ecosystem creates a fertile ground for investors seeking high-growth ventures. By staying connected to the latest trends and building trust with entrepreneurs, we can collectively drive innovation and economic prosperity.”

To showcase the impact of early-stage investment on Brisbane’s startup ecosystem, let’s take a closer look at some noteworthy success stories:

The Rise of SafetyCulture

SafetyCulture, founded in 2004 by Luke Anear, is a prime example of the power of early-stage investment. The company developed a mobile safety inspection app, iAuditor, which revolutionized workplace safety inspections. Through strategic investments and strong support from the local startup community, SafetyCulture has grown exponentially and is now a global leader in its industry.

Supporting the Blockchain Revolution – Power Ledger

Power Ledger, a blockchain-based energy trading platform, emerged from the vibrant startup ecosystem in Brisbane. The company’s early-stage investment success story demonstrates the importance of backing groundbreaking technologies that have the potential to reshape industries. With strategic funding and support, Power Ledger expanded its operations both domestically and internationally, driving innovation in the energy sector.

Accelerating Agricultural Innovation – AgriWebb

AgriWebb, an agriculture technology startup, received early-stage investment to develop a comprehensive farm management software. The company’s innovative platform enables farmers to streamline operations, improve productivity, and make data-driven decisions. The investment in AgriWebb showcases the importance of supporting startups that provide solutions to pressing industry challenges.

In conclusion, early-stage investment plays a pivotal role in Brisbane’s startup ecosystem, fueling innovation, economic growth, and job creation. By staying ahead of trends and building trust, investors and entrepreneurs can harness the abundant potential in the region. Brisbane’s supportive environment and robust startup resources make it an attractive destination for ambitious startup founders and investors alike.

Brisbane Startup Ecosystem

Maiden Flight for Brisbane-based Stralis Aircraft

At Stralis Aircraft, we are thrilled to announce that we are preparing for our maiden flight! This monumental event marks a significant achievement for our company and showcases the aerospace industry capabilities here in Brisbane.

“The maiden flight will be a key moment in the development and growth of Stralis Aircraft.”

Our team of skilled engineers and aviation enthusiasts has been working tirelessly to design and build an innovative aircraft that pushes the boundaries of technology and performance. We are proud to contribute to the advancement of aviation in Australia.

Stralis Aircraft maiden flight

Our maiden flight is not just a momentous occasion for us, but also for Brisbane as it highlights the city’s position as a hub for aerospace innovation. As we soar through the skies, we will be showcasing the skill and dedication of our team, as well as the possibilities that exist within the aerospace industry.

Stay tuned for updates on our maiden flight! We are excited to share this memorable event with aviation enthusiasts, industry professionals, and the Brisbane community.

The Future of Stralis Aircraft

Looking ahead, our maiden flight is just the beginning of an exciting journey for Stralis Aircraft. With the successful completion of this flight, we will be one step closer to bringing our cutting-edge aircraft to the market.

We are committed to revolutionizing the aviation industry by delivering aircraft that prioritize safety, fuel efficiency, and passenger comfort. Our aim is to provide a next-generation flying experience that exceeds expectations and sets new standards for the industry.

Key Features of Stralis Aircraft Advantages
Innovative Design Enhanced aerodynamics for improved performance
Advanced Technology State-of-the-art avionics systems for precise navigation
Sustainable Operations Fuel-efficient engines for reduced carbon emissions
Luxurious Interiors Spacious cabins with premium amenities for passenger comfort

As we embark on this exciting chapter, we invite you to join us in shaping the future of aviation. Whether you are an investor, aviation enthusiast, or customer, we look forward to introducing you to the groundbreaking aircraft that we are proud to call Stralis.


The Brisbane directory provides a valuable resource for finding reliable services in the local area. Whether you’re looking for business updates, craft beer industry news, or information on recent storms and flooding, the directory has you covered. It serves as a one-stop destination for the Brisbane business community to stay informed and connected.

The recent storm deluges and flooding have had a significant impact on businesses, emphasizing the need for effective disaster preparedness strategies. It is crucial for businesses to anticipate and mitigate the risks associated with such events, ensuring continuity and resilience in the face of adversity.

The dynamic nature of the business landscape in Brisbane is exemplified by the acquisitions and leadership changes in companies like A2B Australia and Southern Cross Media Group. These developments highlight the ever-evolving nature of the market and the strategic decisions that companies must make to thrive in a competitive environment.

Furthermore, Brisbane’s commitment to sustainability is evident in the innovative use of materials like hempcrete in construction and the expansion of Vinyl Group in the music industry. These initiatives showcase the city’s dedication to eco-friendly practices and vibrant cultural sectors.

Lastly, events such as Cyclone Jasper and the maiden flight of Stralis Aircraft demonstrate both the resilience and progress in the region. Despite the challenges posed by natural disasters, the people and businesses of Brisbane continue to overcome obstacles and drive forward.

In conclusion, the Brisbane directory offers a comprehensive view of the business highlights and noteworthy events in the local area. It is an invaluable tool for staying informed and connected to the vibrant business community of Brisbane.


What type of information can I find in the Brisbane directory?

The Brisbane directory is a valuable resource for finding reliable services, shops, and more in the local area.

What is the latest news about Wayward Brewing Co?

Wayward Brewing Co, a craft beer company based in Sydney, has recently been placed into voluntary administration. This news is significant in the Brisbane business community, as it reflects the challenges and changes that can occur in the craft beer industry. The company’s future is uncertain, and this development may have implications for other breweries in the area.

What is Suncorp Group’s natural hazard allowance?

Suncorp Group, a prominent financial services company, has recently revealed that it has set aside $680 million for natural hazard claims. This allowance demonstrates the company’s commitment to supporting its customers in the face of natural disasters, such as storms and floods. This development is particularly relevant for Brisbane residents, as the city is prone to severe weather events.

How is OpenLearning expanding its presence in Brisbane?

OpenLearning, an online education platform based in Sydney, is expanding its presence in Brisbane through the acquisition of three online high schools. This move reflects the growing demand for flexible and accessible education options, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The acquisition is expected to provide new opportunities for students in Brisbane and further enhance OpenLearning’s offerings.

How have recent storms and flooding impacted businesses in Brisbane?

Recent storm deluges and flooding have had a significant impact on businesses in Brisbane. Many businesses have been affected by water damage and other issues caused by the severe weather. This serves as a reminder of the importance of disaster preparedness and resilience for businesses operating in Brisbane.

What changes are occurring in A2B Australia’s board leadership in Brisbane?

A2B Australia, a leading taxi operator, is experiencing changes in its board leadership in Brisbane. This development signals a period of transition and potential strategic shifts for the company. The new board leadership will play a crucial role in guiding the company through the evolving landscape of the transportation industry.

What takeover target has Southern Cross Media Group secured in Brisbane?

Southern Cross Media Group, a major media company, has successfully secured a takeover target in Brisbane. This acquisition is expected to strengthen the company’s position in the media industry and expand its presence in the local market. It highlights the ongoing consolidation and competition in the media sector.

What is the innovative use of hempcrete in Brisbane’s construction industry?

Brisbane is seeing innovative uses of hempcrete in the construction industry. Hempcrete is a sustainable building material made from hemp fibers and lime. It offers benefits such as thermal insulation and carbon sequestration. This development aligns with the growing emphasis on eco-friendly construction practices in Brisbane.

What impact has Cyclone Jasper had on businesses in Far North Queensland?

Cyclone Jasper has had a significant impact on businesses in Far North Queensland. The destructive effects of the cyclone have resulted in disruptions and damages to businesses in the region. This highlights the vulnerability of businesses to natural disasters and the need for proper risk management strategies.

How is Vinyl Group expanding its presence in Brisbane’s music industry?

Vinyl Group, an ASX-listed music company, formerly known as Vinyl Crown, is expanding its presence in Brisbane’s music industry. The company’s expansion brings new opportunities for musicians and artists in the area. It reflects the vibrant and growing music scene in Brisbane.

What is the role of early-stage investment in Brisbane’s startup ecosystem?

Early-stage investment is a critical component of Brisbane’s startup ecosystem. Staying ahead of trends and building trust are essential for successful investment and growth. This development signifies the importance of fostering a supportive environment for startups and attracting investment in Brisbane.

What milestone is Stralis Aircraft preparing for in Brisbane?

Brisbane-based Stralis Aircraft is preparing for its maiden flight. This milestone marks a significant achievement for the company and showcases Brisbane’s aerospace industry capabilities. The maiden flight will be a key moment in the development and growth of Stralis Aircraft.

What information can I find in the Brisbane directory about clogged drains and damaged pipes?

The Brisbane directory offers a plethora of resources for finding reliable services in the local area. From news about business developments to updates on the craft beer industry, there is a wide range of information available for the Brisbane business community. Moreover, recent storm deluges and flooding have impacted businesses, highlighting the importance of disaster preparedness. Furthermore, acquisitions and leadership changes in companies like A2B Australia and Southern Cross Media Group reflect the dynamic nature of the business landscape in Brisbane. The innovative use of materials like hempcrete in construction and the expansion of Vinyl Group in the music industry showcase Brisbane’s commitment to sustainable practices and vibrant cultural sectors. Additionally, events like Cyclone Jasper and the maiden flight of Stralis Aircraft demonstrate the resilience and progress in the region. Overall, the Brisbane directory provides a comprehensive view of the business highlights and noteworthy events in the local area.

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